Registration camp leader



Do you have previous camp leadership experience?

I am interested to help in leading a

If you are interested in a summer camp: Do you have a valid J+S (youth & sports) certification for camp sports/trekking?

If you are interested in a winter camp: Do you have a valid J+S (youth & sports) certification for skiing?

If you are interested in a winter camp: Do you have a valid J+S (youth & sports) certification for snowboarding?

I am willing to attend a J+S course (camp sports/trekking) over Easter (from Good Friday to the following Friday)

I would like to undertake my civilian service assignment with SJAS

I would like to get involved as

I can drive a car / mini bus

My t-shirt size is

I agree that my data will be processed for the purpose of my enquiry in accordance with the privacy policy (Footer)

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