Civilian service

Perform your civilian service at one of our camps

The SJAS is a placement organisation for civilian service in the field of social services. We offer you short assignments of between 15 and 26 days of civilian service.

You can perform your assignments in one of the following roles:

As a camp leader, you are responsible for planning, managing the leadership team, and running one of our camps. A J+S Camp Sports/Trekking certification is required to be a camp leader.

As a counsellor, you are a part of the team, plan activities, and supervise them during the camp. No J+S certification is required to be a counsellor.

As a cook, you are responsible for the menu planning and cooking for the camp community during the camp. Although no professional culinary training is required, experience in cooking for large groups is necessary.

Useful Information About Civilian Service at SJAS

  • In addition to the three roles described above, there is the possibility to combine your service with an “assistant role at the office.” This assignment lasts 26 consecutive days. Before or after the camp, you will work 5–10 days at the office in Bern. The downside is that the preparation time for the camp is not counted as civilian service and must therefore be done voluntarily.
  • If you take on a role as a leader or cook (without assistant duties), the planning weekend (2 service days) + one preparation day is included in your service. In total, you will complete around 15–21 service days.
  • As a main camp leader, in addition to the planning weekend, you will also receive an extra organization week of 5 service days. In total, you will complete around 21–26 service days.
  • However, for every type of assignment, part of the camp preparation must be done voluntarily and outside of service time.
  • What is guaranteed is an incredible experience with young Swiss abroad, a dynamic leadership team, and many great activities at the camp!

For more information on eligible service days and assignment dates, please contact Isabelle Stebler at or via the E-ZIVI portal.

If you are interested and would like to sign up for a placement with the SJAS, please apply using our ‘Camp leadership’ form.