Training and further education

Improve yourself and get ready to rock your next camp

The SJAS places a high priority on ensuring excellent supervision during its camps. We encourage all of our leadership team to acquire additional skills, and we support them in their further education efforts.

Our training and further education courses

The training and further education provided by the SJAS should equip you as a main camp leader or camp leader with the necessary skills to provide the young Swiss Abroad in your care with a fun-filled, safe holiday experience that is tailored to their specific needs and ages. Our courses are aimed at all interested young adults who have already led camps for the SJAS or would like to do so in the future.

In cooperation with the J+S federal youth and sports programme, each spring we offer you either a nine-day basic training course (J+S camp leader) or a nine-day further training course (J+S main camp leader) in camp sports/trekking Find out more about the current courses offered here.

The training courses, which aim to provide a practical, high-quality and personalised experience with topics related to everyday life in a camp, are led by experienced J+S experts and J+S course leaders of SJAS and youth organisations like Scouts or Jubla.

For more information on course admissions, course dates and course registration, please contact Isabelle Stebler at

Additional training courses

As a camp leader or counsellor, you have the opportunity to regularly upgrade your credentials in the area of camp sports/trekking thanks to the wide range of J+S training and further education courses. Safety and advanced training modules for camp sports/trekking as well as interdisciplinary modules all offer a wide range of in-depth training that will allow you to enhance your skills.

The SLRG (Swiss Lifesaving Society) provides corresponding water safety training for camp leaders and counsellors with a keen interest in camp activities in, on and around the water. The modular course programme is designed to prevent water-related accidents, and your SLRG training will help you improve the safety of our camps.

For assistance with questions about the courses on offer or choosing the right course, as well as for enquiries about financial support for training, please contact Isabelle Stebler at